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Is your Church a “Place”?

A while back Facebook mobile introduced a new feature called “places”. It was an apparent attempt to compete directly with social media competitor foursquare.

Facebook places is a simple concept – it uses the GPS locater on your mobile device to figure out where you are. When you open your Facebook mobile app you will see the logo and the word “Places”. When you open it you will see your recent check-ins as well as your friends’ check-ins. At the top right there will be a check in button – tap that and you can check in, post a status with it, and tag friends who are with you.

You want your people to “check in” to Facebook on Sundays – it is a witnessing tool!

If where you are is not showing up, you can search for places or you can CREATE a place. Here is the ministry point – does your church show up on “places”? It needs to. If it doesn’t create it NOW.

Here’s why: You want your people to “check in” to Facebook on Sundays – it is a witnessing tool!

When people check in it shows up on their profile and in the news feed. That means as people check in to your church they are announcing to all their Facebook friends that they are at church – YOUR church!!

So, this Sunday why not run an encouragement for members to check-in at church? You may attract guests and visitors just because of the number of friends they see that attend.

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