Can the Church Reach Everyone on the Planet with Social Media? – Church | Social Media

Recently I ran across this quote on the web about Twitter:

We think we can reach every person on the planet.”
–Twitter CEO Dick Costolo, as quoted by The Wall Street Journal’s Digits blog

Imagine that – a social media company has the desire to reach every person on the planet. Twitter wants to get their message out to every nation, tribe, language and people group in the world. They want every person to be able to enjoy the bliss of sharing their lives and thoughts 140 characters at a time. They want everyone to be able to connect with each other and enjoy the community that comes from sharing.


Doesn’t that sound a lot like the mission of the church?

It seems as if we ought to have more drive, determination, and energy to get our Message out to the world than Twitter does. However, nothing says we can’t go along on their ride. Twitter is one of the tools the church could use to get the message of hte gospel out to their community and to the world.

  • Does your church utilize hashtags?
  • Have you tried to get a local topic trending?
  • Have yo used Twitter to search for ministry and evangelism opportunities in your area?

The ideas are limitless but do not wait to get started. Start somewhere now….today…this week.

Maybe YOU can’t reach everyone in THE world, but you can get the message to everyone in YOUR world!



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