Facebook can get you Fired – Here’s how to Avoid it.

Last week I read an article in the AJC about a sheriff deputy that had to resign because of some things he said on Facebook. He made inappropriate comments about a slew of things.

We read that now and everybody thinks, “Boy, he’s not bright to say things like that.” Yet when I take a casual look at Facebook I see people (and ministers) doing the same thing all the time.

Here are four safeguards to make sure you don’t become a Facebook Fire! I used Hall & Oates song titles from the 80’s to help make my point.


1. “Private Eyes” (’81)

Principle: Anyone can see what you post – whether they are on Facebook or not

It’s odd to see people post negative things about people they are friends with – as if they are not going to see it! That doesn’t make much sense.

It also doesn’t make much sense to post negative or hurtful remarks about people you aren’t Facebook friends with! You have to assume that everyone is going to see everything. Your boss doesn’t have Facebook? Assume his wife does and she has a friend who is friends with one of your friends and that person sees it and “snips” it and within 4 minutes of you posting it the comment is sitting in your boss’s email inbox!! That scenario could be true if it was your boss, friend, relative, church member, pastor, mother, etc.

Facebook Tip: Keep it clean. Nice. Positive.

2. “Some things are better left Unsaid” (’84)

Principle: Just because you can say it does not mean you should say it.

A lot of things may come to your mind to say from time to time.

Clever things.

Hurtful things.

Mean-spirited things.

Emotional things.

Angry things.

It might be a good time in that moment to run your Facebook post or comment through someone who loves you. Your spouse, friend, pastor, etc. If there is a chance it could be taken the wrong way you don’t have to say it.

Facebook Tip: When you are in an emotional state don’t post on Facebook. Let it pass.

3. “Say it Isn’t So” (’83)

Principle: If it needs more explaining than you can accomplish in a status update then don’t try to do it in a status update.

If you send a Tweet you only have 140 characters to explain yourself. Facebook has a little more – 420 characters. Neither one make for a good paragraph. If what you are needing to say requires more than that – don’t try to make it fit! You will be misunderstood and you will be prone to hurt people. Facebook status’ aren’t for making long statements so don’t try.

Facebook Tip: Before you send your status see check to see if you have assumed knowledge on the part of those who will read it. If it carries a lot of assumptions you might not want to send it.

4. “Everything your Heart Desires” (’88)

Principle: Remember there is a permanent record of what you say on Facebook and Social Media

We were threatened with that permanent record when we first entered elementary school. Some teacher told us, “If you don’t behave you will get a bad grade in conduct and it will go on your permanent record.” I don’t know of any employer that checks the conduct grade of our elementary years.

However, Facebook & Twitter do provide your future employer a permanent record and they do check it. Your future spouse might as well. Your parents may not be on Facebook now but they may be in the future.

Facebook Tip: Do not say anything about anyone you don’t want them to see. Do not post anything you would not want a future employer, spouse, child, etc to read.


Follow those safeguards and you should keep yourself from getting Fired!


What have you seen on Facebook or Twitter that made you cringe? Let us know below…




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