Reach Teens with Twitter – Church | Social Media

The research is in and teens are flocking to Twitter. One recent study found that as many as 16% of online teens were using Twitter and girls age 12-17 were twice as likely to be using Twitter as boys age 12-17 (22% vs 10%).

The reasons are probably many on why this would be the case. Teens may just be experimenting with a new social media; they may belooking for a site their parents aren’t using; they may be finding it easier to follow their “stars” on Twitter; they may like the privacy Twitter users enjoy. Whatever the case, if teens are on Twitter, the church should be too.

Why? Religious and church activity is on the decline according to Barna in at least six key areas.

  • Small group attendance
  • Prayer
  • Sunday school participation
  • Donations to churches
  • Reading sacred texts other than the Bible
  • Evangelism

That being the case – we need to go where teenagers are – and they are slowly moving to Social Media and Twitter.

If you are in ministry (Pastor, Student Pastor, Small Group leader, etc) and you are interested in reaching students  – here are three things you can do.

1. Follow them
Sounds simple enough doesn’t it. By following that teenager you are letting them know you value them. It is a sign of respect in the Twitter world when you follow someone’s updates.

2. Engage them
If they follow you back send them an @reply “Thank you”. Engage them in Twitter conversation on a consistent basis and encourage their walk with the Lord. Find out about their world and don’t just have a one way conversation.

3. Resource them
Use Twitter to provide resources to help them in life. You might mention them in a “Verse of the day” or a devotional you follow on Twitter. Put things in your status updates that will apply to their lives.

Use Twitter to connect with teens and you might reach more for the Kingdom.


CAUTION: Treat all of these relationships just as you would an in an off-line setting. Avoid private messages. To the best of your ability stick to like gender. Do not get over your head. Keep your spouse updated on all activity. NEVER do anything inappropriate.



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