Social Media Monitoring for Church

You have to check and monitor. When you set up your Social Media sites for your church (Facebook page, Twitter feed, blog, YouTube Channel, etc) you can not abandon them. One of your responsibilities of being in the community is to monitor and check if people are trying to connect with you and what they are saying.

Here are three things you should check for regularly:

1. Check for Complaints

I hope you don’t get any but why don’t we check to be sure. Monitor your Social Media platforms and make sure there isn’t a complaint lingering out there you need to deal with. If someone is disgruntled with your church or ministry they might jump on a Social Media platform to air their grievances. Respond quickly. Acknowledge publicly on the platform. Respond privately if possible. A statement like, “Hey Bob I’m really sorry you are upset about this issue. If you don’t mind I’m going to call you so that we can talk about this privately” is a great way to let people know you are dealing with the issue.

2. Check for Comments

Social Media is supposed to be a communication platform – if you aren’t communicating it reflects poorly on you or your ministry or church. You DO need to respond to people who make comments on posts or status updates. It’s not OK to ignore them. You don’t have to respond immediately, but you do need to set aside some time to respond and comment back in a timely manner.

3. Check for Questions

Sometimes people will ask you a question via Social Media. That’s OK – as long as you answer. If someone posts a question just make sure you or someone responds with the answer as soon as possible – especially if it is a time sensitive issue.


Social Media Monitoring is one of those things a church or ministry has to do in order to remain a viable member of the community.




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