Your Mom is (Probably) on Facebook – Church | Social Media

eMarketer just recently released a study that estimates 23 million US moms are on Facebook – or a whopping 2/3’s of US moms!! That comes as no secret to anyone who has been on Facebook for a while – moms use Social Media to stay in touch with their children and to “check out” all that is going on in the lives of the friends of their children. However, what we didn’t know is just the sheer volume of mothers on Facebook.

eMarketer estimates 23 million US moms are on Facebook this year—a figure that counts women with children under 18 in the household who use the site at least once each month. That represents well over two-thirds of all online moms in the country. Overall, eMarketer estimates that just 57.1% of internet users (including children) use Facebook monthly.

What is the significance for the church? The significance is that you now have the ability to reach out to at least 2/3’s of the moms in your local community!

The significance is that you now have the ability to reach out to at least 2/3’s of the moms in your local community!

Your church should be using Social Media, and specifically Facebook, to find a way to witness, minister to, and add value to the lives of mothers. Mom’s want you to help them with the home, shopping, their children, organization, balancing life, and a host of other things the church can speak to. Why not start a ministry just to mothers and use Facebook to do all of the advertising and promotion of that ministry? You would probably be an instant hit in your community!

What are some ways you can think of that a church could use Facebook to reach out to mothers?

Leave your comments below.



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